It's Monday again!
- I spent the week taking care of my Lil E. He had strep throat, and is miserable! Hopefully C, and Tman don't get it as well! I cant stand it when little ones are sick. It breaks my heart. If I could take it away from them, I most definitely would!
- Boxes from Unmentionably Cheeky and Bulu should be in this week. I am really excited about Unmentionably Cheeky! 3 panties for $8. Cant beat that!
-I've got a few baking projects for the kids this week. My 8yr old is getting into baking, and she's been begging me to let her make a cake all by herself. So keep a look out for our baking adventure posts!
- I am completely obsessing over Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil
It's working wonders for my skin! I was for some reason having acne flare ups. I was starting to feel like a teenager all over again! I use the Tea Tree oil for my face only. The coconut oil I put all over, and it's making my skin look AHmazing! Both have reduced my acne dramatically.
- I think sometime this week I am going to take the kids swimming. Well that is if they aren't all sick. Hopefully that wont happen.
Muffin Tin Meal
I decided to do the Muffin Tin Meal again this weekend. I'm pretty sure the kids had missed this.
They were all excited when they saw it. It does make eating fun, and healthy.
This is what was in our Tin
Top Row- Watermelon, Wheat Thins, Octopus Wieners
Bottom Row- Trix Yogurt with sprinkles , Bunny Grahams, Chewy Cookies.
That's all for now. What's everyone's plans for the week?
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