Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SO WHAT!? Wednesday


Today I am linking up with, Life After I Dew for So What Wednesday. So I'm saying so what if....

-  I have missed a few work outs this week. I've been getting plenty out side chasing my kids!

-  I'm still obsessing over The Vampire Diaries. September can't get here fast enough!

- I still haven't planned a menu and I'm headed to the grocery store. Wing it!

- I told a Teeny tiny fib about my sons favorite move disappearing.  I cant take any more ninja turtles! Hey at least he's found a new show he loves!

- I had a cupcake for breakfast

That's all for today! What are you saying so what to?!




  1. Visiting from So What Wednesday!

    Oo, I love the cupcake for breakfast! Hey, they have eggs and ugh, something else that can be regarded as breakfast food, right? :)

    I can see myself fibbing about movies and tv shows disappearing when my sons starts watching them all the time.

    Happy Wednesday!

