Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What I'm loving Wednesday

Linking up with  This Kind of Love for What I Love Wednesday
What I'm Loving...
Crayola Bath Paints
 All three of my kids love this stuff! They turn into shriveled up prunes by the time they finally get out of the bath.
Ian Somerhalder
 Uh need I say more!
My Journal
I've been getting into writing here lately. Plus it's helping my penmanship!

Ed Sheeran

 Oh how I love his voice! Kiss me, is my all time favorite song by him! Check him out.

My iPhone ear buds + grocery shopping. Drowning out Walmart is always a plus!

Lemon Water. It's becoming a morning ritual before my coffee. Rehydrate and energize!

What are you ladies loving?!


  1. yes girl. Loving some IAN! He is so hot!
